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No.60974102 ViewReplyOriginalReport
We are making a web browser!

Previously >>60965920

In the face of recent changes in Firefox and Chrome some anons were asking for a /g/'s perfect web browser, we collected the most wanted here and plan on continuing with the creation.

To contribute follow the WORK PLAN and get programming!

>Main repo
http://magicpackets.net:3000/proudfeet/netrunner (currently down)

- Create website.
- Create bug tracker.
- Create mailing list.

1. Browse the links2 source code (you can use Ctags or GNU GLOBAL for tagging functions and files).
2. Open API to future javascript integration (by an independent engine?).
3. Expose API and give (scripting) access to just about everything.
4. Create a scripting engine for every accessed interface (vimscript-like?).
5. Create a switch by profiles for incoming and outgoing connections (uBlock-like).
6. Create profiles generator for user-agent and canvas fingerprint, with manual option for the user-agent.
7. Give control over the DOM, use folders for each site to be manually edited (use a hierarchical structure to cover subsites).
8. Include cache/tmp/cookies/logs options like read only cache and local CDN emulation.
9. Implement a link grabber for every link available to be parsed by the scripting interface.
10. Work with the links2 ncurses interface to support simple tree style options for everything (adblocking and tabs in the future).
11. Implement tabs and add tree style tabs in ncurses.
12. Work in the tree style bookmark management with ncurses.
13. Implement a javascript engine.
14. Work in the framebuffer graphics rendering.

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