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/ntr/ - Netrunner official /g/ browser

No.61144928 ViewReplyOriginalReport
We are making a web browser!
PREVIOUSLY >>61078788

In the face of recent changes in Firefox and Chrome some anons were asking for a /g/'s perfect web browser, we collected the most wanted here and plan on continuing with the creation.

To contribute follow the WORK PLAN and get to programming!

WEBSITE: https://retrotech.eu/netrunner/

>Gitgud repo
>Teknik repos
>Github mirror
Channel on Rizon: #/g/netrunner
Web cient: https://qchat.rizon.net/?channels=/g/netrunner
IRC guide: https://pastebin.com/YDbEWRHV

- Host project at savannah.nongnu.org
- Set bug tracker and mailing list in Savannah.

1. Browse links2 source code (you can use Ctags for tagging functions and files).
2. Expose API and give access to everything (scripting through executables is planned).
3. Give total control over the DOM, put options in files inside a hierarchical folder structure referencing sites and subsites.
4. Implement a link grabber for every link and media type to be parsed by scripts and independent applications.
5. Create an uncomplicated switch to general security profiles located in saved files.
6. Implement ncurses simple tree style graphics for bookmarks, tabs, advanced security policies by site, etc.
7. Work in the framebuffer graphics rendering.
8. Open API to javascript support (version 2.1pre28 of links2 had javascript enabled).
9. Cache, logs, cookies, and other data storage options.
10. Ports routing proxy management.
11. Vim/Emacs modes, dwb hints and quickmarks.

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